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Civil Rights and Social Justice: Envisioning Equality
In March 2021, Smith signed an open letter along with over 70 Black executives addressing the potentially catastrophic impacts of suppressive voting rights legislation in Georgia. Previously, Smith spoke at the Conference of National Black Churches on the importance of staying active in preserving and protecting the all-important right to vote in this country.

“History shows us that we have to get in the game. Stay in the game. And do the hard work. We have to do this because the stakes are so overwhelmingly high.”
Robert F. Smith Partners With
Be Woke.Vote
This initiative promotes voter registration and education, helps create fairness and advocates for more equity in our society. Active during the months leading up to the 2020 national elections, organizations like Be Woke.Vote bring voter education to neighborhoods and youth events where previous generations have felt disengaged with the importance of voting.
REFORM Alliance
This social justice initiative fights for fair probation laws and parole reform in the American criminal justice system. Smith is a founding partner of REFORM Alliance, which through fighting for equitable probation and parole aims to ensure that those jailed for their crimes do not continue to pay an insurmountable cost once they are freed.