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Career Pipeline: Diversifying Corporations
Developing a person’s career begins with opportunities for growth, such as internships and fundamental learning within a field. But students of color typically don’t have access to the same career opportunities as their white peers. Smith has donated to a variety of organizations that facilitate educational opportunities for underserved communities, including the internXL program. Smith is founding director and President of the Fund II Foundation, which launched internXL to provide internship opportunities to students of color. These internships are focused within the STEM field, from finance to business and marketing.

“The greatest pleasure is to liberate a human spirit. And when you're able to liberate the human spirit and see that spirit really become its best self, that is the greatest thrill on the planet….The problems I want to solve now are an equalization of opportunity for African Americans to help them onboard into what is the commercial enterprise that is America. How do we create sustainable career opportunities for people – not just a job, not just a place to go work?”
Robert F. Smith Partners With
Administered by the Fund II Foundation, internXL provides internship opportunity matches within STEM fields to students of color, advancing their career opportunities.
A nonprofit working towards increasing access to computer science in schools, Code.org encourages participation among women and other underrepresented groups in the field.
Student Freedom Initiative
This student-centered, evidence-based and holistic nonprofit is dedicated to freeing students from the crushing burden of student loan debt. Smith is the Chairman of this organization, which grew out of his gift to Morehouse College graduates.