News and Updates
Read the latest news about Robert F. Smith’s philanthropy as well as events and news concerning his thought leadership, philanthropic partners and charitable initiatives.

The Jackie Robinson Museum Helps Level the Playing Field for Women in Sports
The Jackie Robinson Museum in New York City hosted the “Leveling the Playing Field: Women in Soccer” event in June 2024 to help foster equity in the sport.

Restoring the Siloam School: One of the Last Remaining Rosenwald Schools
Siloam School is one of the last Rosenwald Schools standing today. Learn more about how these wooden schoolhouses helped provide educational opportunities to Black students.

Reflecting on Diversity in the Arts and Arts Education
Diversity in the arts can provide people exposure to the languages, dance and music of other cultures. It can create bridges between societies and even

New Pathways for Women in STEM Education and Digital Literacy
Terysa Ridgeway is a computer scientist and STEM advocate who created the innovative children’s book series “Terysa Solves It,” designed to introduce young women to STEM.

Dr. Ruth Gottesman’s Gift Makes Tuition Free for Albert Einstein College of Medicine Students
In early 2024, Dr. Ruth Gottesman made one of the largest contributions to a medical school in recent history when she donated $1 billion to the Einstein College of Medicine to establish the David S. and Ruth L. Gottesman Scholarship Fund.

Bridging the Latino Higher Education Gap: The Community College Bachelor’s Programs
Community colleges are helping to bridge the Latino higher education gap with tools like the Community College Bachelor’s Programs.